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Schools and Education

Education provides the key to a better future, helping people to fulfil their potential and pursue their goals in life.

We aim to improve school infrastructure, ranging from boundary walls (so that girls can attend), to new classroom, library and playground construction, to improved water and sanitation facilities

Support for Basic Education FOR POOR STUDENTS

The Trust recognises the importance of education for success in this world and to eradicate poverty. The Trust is supporting poor students in local schools in obtaining basic levels of education.


The Trust has paid their school fees, provided them with uniforms, desks and chairs, books and other essentials required by students. We have also installed water coolers in schools.

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© 2018 Thara Welfare Trust.

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Call us:

+44(0)1494 638972

Bank details for one off or regular donations:

Find us: 

6 Whitelands Road, High Wycombe, Bucks. HP12 3EQ

Account Name (UK): Thara Welfare Trust 

Bank: HSBC 

Account: 01345818, Sort Code: 40-24-38 

Reg Charity


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